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How To Start A Podcast On YouTube | Grow Your Audience in Quick Steps

Updated: Jan 25, 2022

Upload a podcast using Anchor to YouTube to more than double the size of your show's digital footprint in the specific market you intend to serve. There are so many reasons why your social proof and credibility will need to be tested, because you have to be realistic and honest with your listeners. Learn why and how to upload your podcast to YouTube.

There are bonuses (websites) at the end of this page. Enjoy!

I'm going to share with you tips and quick skills on digital marketing and podcasting for YouTube and streaming platforms, what I've learned from creating each of these types of content (audiovisual or infographic - especially on Pinterest) - some of the challenges that go along with each of them especially when you need to remain consistent and relevant to your niche audience/market - and how they have impacted the business, today.

More YouTube Channel creators are getting into the podcast game, including David Dobrik, Joe Rogan, Vanessa Lau, Neil Patel, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Marques Brownlee (he just made a video recently unboxing of the Sony Playstation 5), just to name a few. That means launching new channels dedicated to podcasts is a smart way to start when you have the right automated toolkit:

Here are the 3 types of content for websites to consider when building a business, brand, or product online, with podcast and YouTube features:

  1. STREAMYARD.COM :This is going to be your best friend for a long time when streaming on Facebook Page/Group, YouTube Channel, Twitter (Periscope), and LinkedIn (once you have been verified by LinkedIn - find out more information here). Building a loyal and trusted audience is the beginning of gaining visibility in exchange for value-added resource management with your new audience. There are so many ways you can serve the community with rich value content about your podcast topic, episode, or product placement. Word-of-mouth and E-Mail Marketing have always been great sources for creating value and sharing your story with authenticity backing it up with evidence of why and how you would like to address your message.

  2. ANCHOR.FM : According to Listen Notes, Podcasts have grossed in listenership over the past year with quick and efficient ways of broadcasting your radio episodes. There are over 800,000 new podcasts this year (2020) compared to last year's (2019) releases with over 300, 000 new podcasts. Only GOD knows what the numbers will be looking like next year. As a content creator, the crowd will need to hear your voice when you are saying and expressing interest in their attention and most likely, you will only get up to 5 seconds to make an impression. With podcast episodes within 30 - 60 minutes of episode duration, you will be able to create solid audience retention showing the interest of applying your advice over the next adviser. In totality, be realistic, honest, and most definitely listening. This brings me to my final point (click website links to access them all). When you are done publishing your content firmly in script and speech, you will enjoy Headliner to transcribe your podcasts and post them successfully on YouTube. Use TubeBuddy to analyze your content with an expectation to serve your audience with the exact match Title, Tag, and Description on every High Res Thumbnail (using to compress your pictures for quicker search results). This will help you build a strong and loyal Podcast Audience & YouTube Channel for your audience. Use Later or Apphi to schedule your posts on all your social media channels.

  3. UBERSUGGEST.COM : Here is the fun part. When you enroll in my first Masterclass Program (see below), you will know more about building a strong audience, with the understanding that that keywords and metadata (ALT Text) for your images and videos build high retention spans with value-added content showing real-time features and applications of your offering. Use this search engine website Neil Patel made for writing quality content in your YouTube channel keywords and podcast episodes. You will be able to derive suggestions, queries, and solutions using the right CPC and metatagging.

Source: Unsplash

I would love to see you create more content for the intent of applying value rather than expecting attention. This is a writer's dream; to be able to expressively mention and applaud their work through hard work, faith, and applied experience to make informed decisions on how to solve problems with their products and services.

Feel free to use Unscreen (green screen video background remover) and Veed to start creating quality content and building a strong branding positioning with your published podcast episodes and YouTube videos.

Hope this helps you. To learn more, click here for more information on how to build your brand out of the nine types of brands out there with an understand of what type of brand you are for a much better experience with you and your potential customer. Enjoy!

Happy YouTube and Podcasting!


Jacob Ryen
Jacob Ryen

I can recommend one free website that allows you to write videos without downloading, I often use it myself when I record some kind of presentation for my YouTube channel

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